Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Philosophy for the Hasty Reader

Good news! 
The Second Draft has been finished, 
but not yet posted. 
The material is now in a more fluid 
order, is less bumpy in phrasing, and 
has new chapters.  
It prints out at 144 pages! 

Now, yes, now, I have a real, live 
person, who is very talented, editing. 
Third draft should be ready soon! 

Then, check back for an important 

In the meantime, keep on thinking! 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Philosophy for the Hasty Reader

This site is Under Construction (as is all of life). 

Here is intended a Summary of Philosophy
in quick pamphlet form.  One goal 
is to reveal the most in the least 

The most important goal is to 
share the joy of thinking, the 
delight of reasoning, and the 
highest and greatest pleasure 
of all times and places, 

How to Begin 

Mechanics of the site:   
Notice the Pages marked with "links" on the top right edge 
of this screen.  They each give more information. 

The link titled, "About Us," leads us to a page that tells simply why we are writing.  It is the Foreword. 

The link marked "Contents Page" takes us to the chapter listings, just like the Contents Page of any book. 
The list of links beneath "Blog Archive" take us to each chapter, by number.  Each Chapter Number is a link to that  particular chapter.   

At the end of each screen, at the bottom right, is a link marked "Older Posts."  Click here to reach the next screen.  The chapters take up several screens.  Click "Older Posts" at the bottom of each one in order to continue reading.   

At this point, all we see are the introductory 
remarks within each chapter.  The text will be 
filled in through time and effort.  

As the Chapters are filled in, you will 
notice on the "Archives" list to the right 
that a title has been added next to the 
number of that Chapter.

Return, please, to see how pamphlet  

Thank you for your attention. 

---Response from some readers is that 
beginning at the end, "The Function of 
Philosophy," is actually a good place to 
begin.   It shows how Philosophy 
is useful, important, and inspiring.  

---Some readers find the first Chapter, 
"Proofs of God," one of the more 
difficult and recommend returning 
to it after reading a few others first.  

---Now, I think it all makes perfect 
sense in the order in which it is 
presented.  You decide.   


1 - Proofs of God

God: The Beginning of Abstract Reasoning.
  Here we discuss roughly a dozen different "proofs of God" that have persisted through the centuries, along with their "counter-proofs."
  There is no intent to convert or to change our beliefs. The sole concern is to develop our thinking. Reason is the domain of Philosophy, and beliefs are the domain of Theology.

Proofs of God 

I assure you that you will never see a list of this many proofs of God in any one place. I have been collecting them for years. Most people content themselves with one or two. I have 16.

Format: The name of the philosopher is given first. Each proof is stated in its briefest form. An explanation follows. Each proof is refuted by a counter-argument. Enjoy. Expand your thinking.

Note: Most people find proof number 2, a thousand years old, to be the most difficult to follow. It is based solely on reason. We live in a time when often unquestioned faith is valued over thinking. You might return to St. Anselm after the others.

1 -Socrates - Conscience. Everyone has this inner voice.

Explanation - As he entered the court building, Socrates said his inner voice did not tell him to turn back. Throughout his life, Socrates always listened to his inner voice.

Counter-argument - Does everyone have a conscience? There are some people who seem to have none at all. Therefore, God does not necessarily exist.

2 - St. Anselm - Ontological Argument (meaning, based on Being, or Existence)
  He wrote over a thousand years ago in Latin shortly after William the Conqueror took over England, long before the evolution of the English language. Surely, we can easily understand his reasoning today.
  a - Definition: God is the Greatest Good (taken from Plato).
  St. Anselm explains this is the same as saying :
  God is "That than which nothing greater can be conceived"
  b - It is better to exist than not to exist.
  c - Therefore, God must exist.

Explanation - (a) He wrote over a thousand years ago in Latin, shortly after William the Conqueror took over England, long before the evolution of the English language. Surely, we can easily understand his reasoning today.

(b) Plato's definition is actually that God can be found through ultimate Beauty, which the greatest good. This notion of finding God through Beauty re-emerged during the Renaissance. (For more discussion, see At any rate, St. Anselm stole the definition of God as the Greatest Good from the ancient Greek pagan, Plato.

(c) "That than which nothing greater can be conceived." ("TTWNGCBC") (Easy, right? We can't even think of (conceive of) something greater than God. It's part of how we define God. Once you accept this definition, the next steps fall into line.) After all, what could possibly be greater than God?

(d) For some reason, many contemporary people find this the hardest accept. It is based on Deductive reasoning. This what we use in Mathematics. For example, in Geometry, we claim a triangle has 3 sides. If we find something with 3 sides, it must be a triangle. We are applying a definition. In the same way, St. Anselm is just applying a definition. It's like using a dictionary.

(e) It is better to exist than not to exist.
For example, each of us prefers personally existing to not existing; we think it is better for us to exist than not to exist. In the same way, we would think a Paradise Island would be better if it existed than if it did not. However, a Paradise Island is just an idea, not a definition, and does not have to exist.
God is defined as the Greatest Good.
If we find something that fits this definition, similar to finding a 3 sided thing, then that item fits the definition and is in fact and in reality the term that is defined, be it "triangle," or "God." This is what is meant be the word "definition." A=b+c; B=b+c; therefore, A=B.

(f) It is "more good," better, to exist than not to. Therefore, for God to be truly the ultimate good, God must exist. Without existence, God would be less than any ultimate good that we can even think of, "that than which nothing greater can be conceived."

(g) God = (is defined as) TTWNGCBC, the Greatest Good; existing is better than not existing; therefore, God must exist.

(h) This is a Valid Syllogism. Deductive reasoning uses syllogisms.
The terms and the order in which they are presented are logically "valid." Whether or not they are in fact "true," is outside the consideration of Deductive reasoning. (See also, detailed explanation in PhilosophyFAQs.)

Counter-argument - The syllogism can be valid without being true. It all depends on the factual truth of the definition. God might be less than the greatest good? God might be less than all-powerful. God might be less than all good.

Three-sided things are triangles, but no perfectly drawn 3 sided thing exists. The "real" drawings are always just a little off, less than perfection.

2 - 6 - St. Thomas Aquinas - Cosmological (based on existence of the cosmos, meaning Creation.)
  2 - Change - Unmoved Mover
  3 - Causation - First Cause
  4 - Contingency (Possibility) - Necessary Being
  5 - Degrees of Excellence - Perfect Being
  6 - Harmony - Intelligent Designer

Explanation: From the existence of the item on the left, we can infer the existence of the item on the right. Because there is change, there must have been a beginning that did not change, but from which all the resulting change rolled like dominos: the Prime Mover. Each of the names on the right are from Aristotle. Each of these proofs are based on the existence of the Creation proving the existence of a Creator.

Counter-argument: What if there was no creation event? Then all of these five proofs would fail, because there would be no beginning in time. Two-thirds of the world believe in religions that do not posit a creation event: life is a cycle of being; reincarnation. It is possible the cosmos goes in and out of being over all time, like passing through a Black Hole and coming out into another universe on the other side.

7 - Paley - Teleological Argument (everything has a purpose.)
  Humans create things with a purpose; therefore, God must, also.

Explanation: Each thing and each person must have been created by a Creator with a purpose because humans create with purpose.

Counter-argument: (a) What is the purpose of the mosquito? What function does the armadillo perform? What if there were just a few things that don't have a purpose?

(b) Humans make many useless things: they call them art; others they call toys. What if God is making toys? What if the universe is the science experiment of a superluminal robot?

(c) Humans make things that they later forget about. What if God forgot that he made a universe?

8 - Pascal - The Wager
  Infinite gain results from of finite effort.

Explanation: Making a finite effort at religious actions during a finite lifetime leads to an infinite reward of eternal life. If we do not make this limited, finite effort, we risk losing an infinite reward. The risk is less, the gamble is better, to make the choice of religious actions during our lifetimes. (Pascal invited the theory of probability.)

Counter-argument: (a) One should believe in God only because of an award? What about "virtue as its own reward?" We should believe only because of what we can get out of it?

(b) This is the best argument ever for the death-bed conversion: the least possible effort; the greatest gain.

9 - James - (a) - Life is better with belief in ultimate Being and ultimate Justice. The "Will to Believe" leads to a more trusting, happier life.

  (b) - Mystics (those who believe "All is One,") of all religions report similar experiences.

Counter-argument: (a) Many atheists report happy lives. Is ultimate revenge a moral reason to believe in God? Does belief in the destruction of enemies make us loving people?

(b) People who believe in UFOs and vampires report similar experiences.

10 - Leibnitz - God is the greatest good.
  Therefore, He created the greatest possible universe.
  This is "the best of all possible worlds."
  Therefore, evil and suffering are necessary.

Counter-argument: (a) We don't have any other universes before us to compare with this one. Maybe there is one with less evil and suffering. Maybe God was an inadequate Craftsman who made a mistake.

(b) From David Hume - A good God would exclude evil and suffering in both the natural world and among humans. A God who allows evil and suffering is not a good God.

11 - John Hick - Pain and suffering are character building.

Explanation: Suffering is a mystery. To accept it as a part of God's plan is the most soothing explanation. To ask: "What is the lesson we can learn from this?" leads us to an acceptance of suffering. Accepting suffering builds character. Those who have not suffered remain shallow.

Counter-argument: (a) What kind of a God is this? He harms those he loves? Isn't that sadistic?

(b) What about just a little less pain? What about just a little less "character?"

12 - Malcolm - Contemporary Deductive Argument (also attributed to Plantinga)
  a - God must be either "necessary" or "impossible."
  b - God is not "impossible."
  c - Therefore, God is necessary.

Explanation: Believers claim God must exist. Non-believers claim God is impossible. (For example: The laws of science are sufficient. Divine Intervention interferes with the very laws God is claimed to have set into motion.) God must be one or the other. However, we can imagine God, and positing His existence does not interfere with the smooth running of the universe. Therefore, God must exist.

Counter-argument: The opposite is also true. Some people can easily imagine living in a world without God. A universe without God does not fall apart. As stated above, Divine Intervention contradicts the very laws of the universe the Creator is claimed to have established. God is impossible because His interference would discredit the value of the system of science. Therefore, God is not only not necessary, but also impossible.

13 - Precusers to Existentialism:
  (i) - Kierkegaard - "Leap of Faith"
  Faith alone is sufficient.
  The great Unknown must be God.

Explanation: All the rational arguments fall aside in the light of reason. Therefore, "the leap of faith in the arms of the loving God," is the only answer. Reason is futile. Faith alone can guide.

Counter-argument: (a) Which faith? Can we be sure God will be there to catch us? Even the most religious go through periods of doubt or of a sense of distance from God.

(b) Doesn't this give up on "the greatest gift God gave us," reason. It separates us, we think, from the animals. We would not willingly give up an arm, a "gift from our Creator?" Why then should we give up reason?

(c) Laziness of thought is not a basis for belief in the existence of God.

  (ii) - Nietzsche - Christianity is a "slave morality."
  The "Will to Power" is greater than the "Will to Believe."

Explanation: Belief in Christian values of self-sacrifice are soothing to oppressed masses unwilling to wake up to their condition. An amoral superman is needed to transcend the limitations of Christian morality in order to evolve to the next and higher step of human development. Christianity hold us back from true strength. Only a superman can lead us there. The superman must survive and conquer at all costs. He must be selfish to win. Greed is good. The superman is deserving of all the rewards of his selfish actions. (Basis of the novels of Ayn Rand.) (See also, the Chapter on "Egoism.")

14 - Descartes - Trademark of the Creator

Explanation: Each of us asks the question of whether God exists. This is the "trademark" of the Creator, like the mark of the potter on His creation. Since each of us seeks the answer, then that question must have been engraved on our souls from birth.

Counter-argument: What about people who never ask? What about people who don't have the mental capacity to ask? What kind of answer is sufficient?

15 - Common Belief - Most people believe in God, therefore, God must exist.

Explanation: Most people believe, therefore, most people are right.

Counter-argument: Popularity does not make a claim correct. The majority can be wrong anytime. That is why we have a Bill of Rights: to protect the minority or one individual from the vengeance of a mob of the majority.

16 - Common Sense - Humans throughout time and place, in all cultures have had a belief in the spiritual world. Therefore, God must exist. (This was true until Modern Western Philosophy, roughly the past 200 years in Europe and North America, a drop in the ocean of time of humans on planet Earth, but a time of the greatest ratio of literacy ever.)

Counter-argument: Humans in almost every time and culture have had slavery, war, and oppression of women. Not everything human cultures do is good.

17 - The Bible says so.

Explanation: God exists because the Bible says so. The Bible is true because God wrote it.

Counter-argument: Circular reasoning. Example: X is true because Y says so; Y is true because X says so. No proof for the validity of either X or Y is offered. They simply re-enforce empty claims.  

Yes, there are some "counter-counter-arguments" to some of these proofs, meaning arguments that the affirmative is true.  

I'll let you figure those out for now. 

2 - What Should We Do?

 Ethics:  What Should We Do, and Why?
    There are so many ways to describe what is right or wrong. We look at some of the most popular and discuss the best points of each, as well as their limitations.


I. Why Do We Not Create Moral Theories from Scratch?

We use the terms, definitions, and descriptions from major philosophers. These have been refined over time by the discussions of reflective, rational thinkers. These give us a common framework for communicating our ideas.

II. What Are the Most Used Ethical Theories?

Ethical theories most used within the study of Applied Ethics are

(1) Utilitarianism, looking to consequences of actions to determine the maximum pleasure for the maximum number of people;

(2) Duty Ethics, looking to the intentions before the actions;

(3) Virtue Ethics, looking at the habits of character and moderation to determine excellence and morality;

(4) Natural Law or Legal Rights, looking to rights from legal or political statements or from rational examination and understanding of what those rights are, whether God-given or not, which flow to all humans by reason of being born human; and

(5) Caring Ethics, judging action by the level of caring for the web of relationships, nurturing human flourishing within a personal, social context, or the empathetic involvement in the lives of others that envisions the best possible future.

III. What is Utilitarianism?

Utilitarianism is empirical; it looks to measurable experience in the material world.
Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, from the 19th Century in England, sought an ethical standard that would recognize human pleasure as the good, making its measurement and expansion paramount. Although pleasure might seem to be a subjective standard, Utilitarians judge consequences solely by objective, reasonable standards. Utilitarians do not consider the opinions of those who like pain, for example, to be rational.

In seeking to liberate the wishes of society as a whole from subjugation to the will of the ruling elite, Utilitarian philosophers defined the good as that which creates the maximum pleasure, that is, the greatest pleasure for the greatest number. Thus, the pleasure of the wealthy few does not defeat the wants of the weary many; nor is the delight of the powerful a legitimate cause to inflict the meek multitudes with misery.

Limitation: Sometimes the majority feel pleasure at harming a minority.

IV. What is Duty Ethics?

 Both Duty and Virtue Ethics look to the quality of actions and the inherent dignity of all people.

Duty Ethics is based on rules. Immanuel Kant, from 18th Century Germany, described Duty Ethics as the universal command to treat each person as a moral agent and as an end, not as a means or an instrument to the pleasure of another. The intentions of the actor are the determining feature of whether an action is considered moral by Duty Ethics.

 Kant called the universal command the Categorical Imperative. It is the unbending rule of morality, applicable in all times and places and situations.

Treating others not as a means but as an end is one way of stating the rule. Also, one can phrase it as reciprocity requires that limitations for others be equally applied to oneself.

Limitation: Sometimes rules do not cover all situations. Sometimes one should lie to protect the life of a friend.

V. What is Virtue Ethics?

 Virtue Ethics is derived from the ancient Greeks, especially Aristotle, and seeks to educate character to assume the habit of a moral disposition and character. Moderation is the road to virtue.

Plato and Aristotle advocated living according to a human model of the virtues, the qualities of excellence. “What would the heroic do?”might have been the question of Homer from the earlier days of Greece, but these two philosophers of Athens sought a moral compass.

Thus, the questions became, “What would honesty require?”for example. Plato and Aristotle looked for virtues such as truth, beauty, will power, and justice or proportionality, as well as benevolence, civility, dependability, generosity, loyalty, moderation, patience, and prudence.

Virtue Ethics generally judges character rather than specific actions. Character can be trained or educated. At its best, good character includes as many of the qualities of excellence and becomes a habit.

Limitation: Vague and self-defining, it can be uncritical of specific actions.

VI. What is the Relation between Reason and Natural Law?

Natural Law flows from the order of the universe directly into the reason of humans. The ordered universe is subject to the patterns of Nature, just as reason is subject to the limits of logic. As the unseen judge of the unseen realm of ideas, reason is the best way to understand the Law of Nature, to determine justice, and to develop character. Looking to reason and to conscience, each of us can know Natural Law.

Ancient ideas about the rule of reason still animate discussion of Natural Law. However, Empiricists and others do not ascribe to claims for a superior role for reason.

VII. What is the Source of Human Rights?

 Many followers of Natural Law feel it was installed in the heavens by God at the time of creation and in the mind of a human at the moment of birth. Just as the scientific laws of the natural world, such as gravity, cannot be restrained or overruled by humans, so, too, the rules of logic cannot be dissolved or diluted. Equally true, the natural rights of humans endowed by the creator cannot be amended or changed by the actions of humans or their governments. These rights existed since the beginning of time and still reside within every human for no more cause than being born human.

Later thinkers were less concerned with the source of these rights and more interested in identifying them. Such documents as the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution are seen as expressions of these rights. The final version of human rights exists in ultimate, unfettered reason, and can only be known in increasing levels of understanding by human minds, which by nature lack perfection.

A more recent effort to catalogue human rights exists in the U.N. Charter of Human Rights.

VIII. What Are Human Rights?

 Discussions of rights today are the most likely to incorporate recent court cases and legal reasoning. From the time of the writings of John Locke through the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights four hundred years later, our understanding of the extent of rights has grown. "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," written in the 1776 Declaration of Independence may sound vague.

However, a "paid two-week vacation every year for every employee working at least 35 hours per week for 50 weeks in that year" might be a specific, modern day example of what is stated as a general, human right: “periodic holidays with pay,” which is contained in the 1948 U.N. Declaration.

 Natural Rights theorists maintain that financial costs alone are not sufficient to restrict our rights. Further, court cases can summarize the opinions of the legal community for the time in question but can also be the result of political compromise, not eternal standards. Therefore, court decisions alone do not end debate, but only summarize arguments of the day. This is part of the theory of a "Living Constitution."

Limitation: Political arguments can ensue from efforts to define specific Human Rights.

IX. What Are the Ethics of Care?

Finally, the Ethics of Care uses empathy, emotion, and sentiment as a guide to choosing courses of action.

Among those philosophers advocating "sympathy" as a moral compass are David Hume, the skeptic, Scottish philosopher of 18th Century, and his contemporary, Adam Smith, the economist.

In the 20th Century, advocates of "empathy" include U.S. feminists Carol Gilligan, Nell Nodding, and Annette Baier, as well as German, Catholic martyr and phenomenologist Saint Edith Stein.

Further, since caring is viewed as a virtue, many people see Caring Ethics as a specific form of the ancient Virtue Ethics, even though the Greeks used reason alone, and rarely incorporated emotion or empathy into moral decision-making.

The ironies are (1) that “care” was not identified as a virtue until the twentieth-century Feminists discovered it; and
(2) the Virtue theorists from ancient days through the medieval era up until quite recently often agreed with Aristotle that women were incomplete men or lacking in reasoning capacity.

Feminist Ethics, more recently called Caring Ethics, seeks a unique solution to each problem, growing from context and human relatedness to an understanding of the proper objects of care and how to create a web of relationships that best cherishes the individual members of that web while giving each the greatest freedom to empower human growth to achieve self‑actualization. The most subjective of the standards, Feminist or Caring Ethics seeks to increase the reflective care contained within human relationships.

The Ethics of Care require not mere passive avoidance of impeding the moral freedom of others, or limiting our freedom for the sake of the freedom of others. Unlike Human Rights Theory and others, Care requires direct action, in particular affirmative participation in the practice of caring. Empathy and envisioning a higher individual capacity for achievement and self-actualization are tools of the Ethics of Care.

With the tools of empathy and hope, the Ethics of Care requires the discernment of specific, contextual decisions of the extent, nature, and proper objects of care. Some people are more the proper recipients of our care than others, with different expectations and expressions of care for each person in each circumstance.

Limitation: Vague and self-defining, it favors friends and family over strangers.

(Kant gave a universal rule that disregarded relationship; Caring ethics considers relationship almost entirely. Friends or strangers: should both be treated the same? What about one's own infant? Surely an affirmative duty to care for someone is different from a duty to refrain from hurting anyone. Where do we draw the line?)

X. What Is the Benefit of Using these Ethical Systems?

Finally, we see that articulating a consistent standard for moral decision-making a difficult enterprise. Understanding and using the concepts of these few basic systems allow us to use a yardstick our contemporaries can also use and comprehend.

XI. How Do They All Fit Together?

(1) Utilitarianism judges consequences of actions to determine the maximum pleasure for the maximum number of people;

(2) Duty Ethics judges the intentions before the actions;

(3) Virtue Ethics judges the habits of character and moderation to determine excellence and morality;

(4) Natural Law or Legal Rights judges rights from legal or political statements, or from rational examination and understanding of what those rights are, whether God-given or not, which flow to all humans by reason of being born human; and

(5) Caring Ethics, judges action by the level of caring within the web of relationships, nurturing human flourishing within a personal, social context, or the empathetic involvement in the lives of others that envisions the best possible future.

XII. Summary.

Consequences, intentions, character, rights, reason, and caring are all part of judging morality.

Weighing the results of each, we can be sure our actions are moral. 

 [I have posted some information over at the Philosophy FAQs blog, 
It's a summary of a much earlier draft.]

3 - Business Ethics

Business Ethics: What should we do in commerce?
       We discuss the application of the ideas about ethics from "the marketplace of ideas" to the "marketplace" of economic transactions.

       Concepts of ethics are essential in commerce. Whether we can depend on a handshake, or require attorney-proof written contracts and standards of procedures, we need to know what the risks are, and what the underlying principles are.

       Some people in the world of business believe selfishness is necessary and foremost. We discuss this common belief in the section on "Egoism."

       Some say that a quality product is what leads to a company that lasts a lifetime or for generations. Then, the business ethics theory is to continue success in developing a good, lasting product line.

       Others say that quality service is the key to success. On-going good service and attention to the customer leads to a lasting company. More and more importance is being given to Consumer Service in the contemporary world where digital devices often separate us from direct human contact. Yet, that feeling "special" is what makes customers return. Therefore, the accounting value of "Good Will" is basic to longevity of the business. This financial statement entry looks to the value of the "brand" and the ratio of returning customers. This is a dollar amount that can be evaluated.

       Some see the role of stakeholders as paramount. Stockholders (who own shares, an undivided percentage, of the company), the Board of Directors (chosen by the stockholders), the officers of the corporation (chosen by the Board of Directors), managers (hired by the President of the corporation), employees (chosen by the managers), suppliers (chosen by the managers), the community in which the business is located, and the governments of the nation, the state, and the local communities -- all have a stake in the on-going success of the company. Each of them should have an input into the actions of the company that impact their lives and functions. This is a summary of the ethical system that centers on stakeholders.

      There are many ideas about business ethics. Our thoughts about ethics in business impact political theories and many other parts of our lives. Our underlying concepts of what is "good business" gauge how we feel government should respond to or regulate business; as well as what we consider success, or what the ancient philosophers called "the Good Life."

       Before we can select conclusions about specific ideas about business ethics, we need to have a discussion about the role of selfishness, or egoism in business transactions.

       To begin, let's look at "Egoism" itself.

       An explanation follows in the next Chapter.  

4 - Egoism

Two Philosophies of Egoism:  (Often Believed in Psychology, Economics, and Politics) 

Selfishness: The Question:  Are Humans limited animals, existing only for individual survival?  Should they be?

  Can there be any ethics or ethical action if we are all controlled by selfishness, or if we should be selfish?  

Egoism:  Definition:  Putting the self first, selfishness.

  The philosophies of Egoism come in two very distinct categories:

1. Psychological Egoism argues that we, and every human, are selfish because we have no other choice.

2. Ethical Egoism argues that we do have a choice, and we are ethically required to chose to be selfish.

  Sometimes, without thinking, the same person will hold both of these contradictory ideas at the same time.

The Contradiction

  Let's talk about the contradiction first, then we will look at what's wrong with Psychological Egoism.

  In economic theory, some will argue that we are all selfish and greedy because we can be no other way, and, at the same time, argue that we must be selfish and greedy. Greed, they say, is the only way to survive and is the best way to survive.

  This is a contradiction.

  If we have no other chose, then we cannot make an ethical decision.

  If we have no choice, then we cannot chose to perform good deeds or bad deeds.

  If we have no choice, then we cannot say that we should be selfish, because we are biologically forced to act in a selfish way. We cannot say we make an "ethical decision."

  We have to critically decide whether we agree that human are always selfish, and therefore lack all ability to make ethical decisions. Then we can conclude whether humans are forced to be selfish, or whether we can and should chose to be selfish, or whether there is some choice other than selfishness.

Psychological Egoism

  Psychological Egoism argues that human are always selfish, and therefore lack all ability to make ethical decisions.

  However, observation tells us that survival can include decisions that balance, on the one hand, (a) self-interest, such as immediate sensual gratification, and, on the other hand, (b) enlightened self-interest that looks to the benefits of:

(i) delaying gratification, such as gaining a college degree, or

(ii) helping others with the anticipation of, or the side effect of, self-gain.

  Survival can include, in addition, not acting selfishly, but instead, taking action to benefit others, which is called altruism.

  Survival can also include a decision to hurt others.

  We have the power of ethical decision-making to chose between helping others and hurting others. To say that we can only seek self-interest overlooks this basic choice.

  To say that we "feel good" when we help others, and, therefore, helping others is selfish, denies that some people can "feel good" when they sometimes do things to harm others.

  In short, Psychological Egoism makes no sense because it denies that we all have the choice to help or to hurt others. "Feeling good" about the action does not change whether it was good or bad.

  In fact, isn't feeling good about doing the right thing exactly what we want ethical theory to encourage?

  Psychological Egoism is a theory deeply embedded in our culture. Even people who do not believe in Darwin's biological theory of the survival of the fittest will stoutly argue for a Darwin Economics, that economically we can only survive through survival of the fittest, by selfish actions, or even harmful ones. Some people insist that especially in economics we have no choice but to act selfishly.

  These statement overlook the actions of altruism, charity, kindness to family, friends, and strangers. Each of these can make us "feel good," and each of these, at different times and in differing amounts, can make our survival stronger and more enjoyable.

  Psychological Egoism, as I said, is a very popular idea. However, as long as someone keeps acting in ways that do not harm others and bring about a certain amount of harmony with others and well-being, then holding this false idea is not bad in itself. It is confusing, but not necessarily bad.

  Next, let's talk about Ethical Egoism.

"Ethical Egoism"

  This theory argues we should be selfish, even when it causes harm to others. The only limit is the fear of punishment.

  These are not people we want to choose to be our friends.

  They cause harm, feel good about it, and feel they are doing the right thing.

  However, if we should all seek selfishness only, then do we have a duty to help others be selfish? In fact, to be consistent, shouldn't the ethical egoist insist that others should harm him or her so that others can also be ethical egoists?

  This endless circle of harm to others and harm to self is one of the contradictions of "Ethical Egoism."

  Another contradiction is that it isn't really a theory of ethics at all. It can be called an anti-ethical theory, but not an ethical one. Ethics is all about making the right choice and doing good. "Ethical Egoism" argues that we should do harm.

  Socrates said that ethics means we should, "First, do no harm." Yet, the ethical egoists have no problem with causing harm, don't disapprove of others also causing harm, and, at times, encourage it.

  "Ethical egoism" is popular and is advocated in the novels of Ayn Rand, and by some popular politicans.

5 - Am I, or Am I Not? - Metaphysics

Metaphysics: Do We, or Does the World, Exist?  
    This seems like such an easy question, but, like defining ethics, turns into a knot that requires careful examination. 

    Am I a dream or a caterpillar, or both?

    Usually metaphysical discussion begins with whether God exists, but we have addressed that in detail above. Let us move onto the next two questions: Do we, or does the world, exist? 

  First, let's talk about us.  

  Can we say, "I think I am?" This is the question that kicked off the modern world, with Descartes in the early 1600's. The early printing press, at roughly the same time, helped to move learning outside the monestary and into the libraries of universities and of the wealthy. A democratization of knowledge led to questioning of the assumptions of the past. Indirectly, Descartes' scandalous question of whether the self exists was doubting of the existence of the human "soul."

  Does thinking mean we are real?  

  (1) "Does consciousness of being conscious mean the same as self-consciousness?" This is a question asked by the phenomologists, adherants of an European contemporary Philosophy. It's tongue-twister and much fun to consider. Generally, we agree that self-consciousness is something special to humans. However, I have known cats and dogs who appear to "pose" for a camera. Isn't that a kind of self-awareness?  

  (2) "Can cognition be reduced to calculation?" This is a consideration of current Cognitive Scientists, who question the physical nature of thinking: how much of thinking is a result of biological processes (rather that an inner something that is other than, and more, than merely physical). They also question whether human thought can be mimicked by artificial intelligence. Can human thinking be mechanized, digitized, or biologically copied. Further, can DNA alterations increase the capacity for thinking or inhibit it?  

  (3) Human thinking does seem to be vulnerable to physical injury of the skull and brain. Yet, rubbing the scalp doesn't seem to help. Small heads seems to think just as well as big heads. Calculators and electronic digital computers are fun and at times amazing in their speedy achievements in mathematics and database searching. Yet, creativity alludes these devices. Randomness is possible, but unguided, intentional creation of tools or art is not. The "Cognitive Science" of studying thinking continues.  

  (4) Some of the more colorful and enticing examples of examining whether the self exists resides in the poetry of the ancient Chinese Daoist, Chuang Tze. Living before Confucius, roughly 500 b.c., Chuang Tze wrote he had a dream in which he was a caterpillar, then questioned whether he was actually a caterpillar dreaming. What a lovely way of asking whether life is just a dream. I believe he leaves the question unanswered, giving us, at least, a higher respect for caterpillar and butterflies.  

  (5) In 1637, in Discourse on Method, Descartes, French, also questioned whether life was just a dream. He examined whether he existed, whether God existed, and whether the world existed. As the first of the Rationalists, he began the Modern era.  

  He decided he must exist because, even if he doubted everything he knew or felt, the one thing he could not doubt was that he was doubting. Doubting requires thinking. In short, his thinking was sufficient proof that he existed. "I think, therefore I am," became the most famous sentence of all of Philosophy.  

  Next, let us ask, "Is the world real?"

  (1) To decide whether the world existed, the next conclusion Descartes made was that God existed. Most Philosophers, particularly the contemporary ones, have moved in the opposite direction, accepting the material world but doubting the need for a Creator of it.  

  If life was nothing but a dream, or, as Descartes described it, if in our sleep all the world disappeared, only to come back into being when we awake, then all we experience is a delusion. What child has not questioned whether the world goes away when he or she falls asleep?  

  How do we know whether our sensory perception is a deception? To maintain such a large illusion would require a powerful demon. Such a world would be without meaning, and such a powerful demon would be a great evil. However, Descartes knew that God is good, and therefore would not let us be deceived in all that we experience. Because God is good, therefore, the world must exist.  

  Descartes argued for dualism: both thinking and the material world are real, but are two separate things, running along parallel courses.  

  (2) By comparison, the two other famous Rationalists, Spinoza, Jewish-Dutch, and Leibnitz, German, were monists. They both probably studied under Descartes when he was in Amsterdam. They argued that mind and matter are one. Spinoza said everything is only a part of "the infinite and the eternal." There is only one substance.  

  On the contrary, Leibnitz said there is only one substance, a monad, of which everything else is made. Both argued for Oneness, Spinoza for a universal, and Leibnitz for the smallest particular. All is one: Spinoza saying all is a part of One, and Leibnitz saying that all is made up of an infinite number of an indivisible One.  

  (3) Interestingly, in the Nineteenth Century, the Pragmatist William James argued that all is one, that everything is made of experience. We know experience from the inner world and from the outer world. One we call thinking, and the other we call material, but they are both aspects of the same thing, experience.  

  (4) In Twentieth Century European philosophy, intentionality was discussed as the basis of personal existence. Both consciousness and the object of consciousness were generally viewed as a product of intentionality. The self as subject, and the material world as object, came into existence out of intention. However, existence, or metaphysics, was not considered as important a question as how to respond to where we find ourselves. Pondering ultimate reality was not as central as asking how to live.  

  In summary, the two most famous philosophical answers to metaphysics are (a) dualism, claiming that mind and matter are separate, and, on the other hand, and much less commonly accepted, (b) monism, claiming that all is one.  

  In Theology, or in the study of world religions, the statement that all is one is sometimes viewed as a description of the religious experience of mysticism, but in the rational world of Philosophy there is no such implication. Some people overlap their discussions of Theology and Philosophy, but mysticism is solely a theological perspective.  

  These are some of the central threads of metaphysics, from ancient China until the present day. However, many of Twentieth Century philosophers in the English-speaking world are Skeptics. They are not ready to accept easily that the self or the world exist. The discussion of Skepticism follows.